we're leaving salzberg, I was wondering are those pictures are advertisement of salzburg festival

My godness....level crossing of taxiway and motorway?

Winglet is cutting clouds

cockpit view..... is that "riding fog and cloud" in Chinese?

er...This is Bayreuth Airport, you can see...This airport designed for general aviation, this is the biggest aircraft even arrived.Therefore we have make a lot of phone calls and fax before we takeoff in salzberg.

Airport office arranged follow-me car to guild us, they even clear(should I use the word neutralized?) up the apron area in front of hanger to let us park and drive away our aircraft easily
Well, it's really a driving school which train my taxiing skill and turning aids

This is our parking space :)

Don't worry, we did not set any takeoff thurst....we're heading to the end(it should be the start) of runway

Ready for u-turn

Ready to go

A short runway of Charles de Gaulle. . . . . .

A little ramp control tower which manned apron H of general aviation and charter flights
(to be continued)
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