There is 22 degree temperature differences, we've already ready prepared some winter coat for his and HER majesty.

This time, we can see the tower clearly. The state-of-art of architecture.

A close shot to Tower. Hope there is no one inside saw that we're taking this

Runway again

"Great Sandy desert" not only in Australia, this one here is more famous

Desert rain below

Dead "Sea" viewed from cabin window. As the water is getting lesser and lesser now, the lower part of the sea divided into two springs.

Slazberg, here is. . . . A cloudy day, 8 degree when we arrive
As the weather is cold and a little bit humid, there is ice condensed on the wing till on final
I had never tried inspect the wing from cabin window while the aircraft flying at 4000ft, 10 miles to runway.

Salzburg Airport Terminal, buses are waiting for passengers as their are no passenger bridges even the airport serves Boeing 773/744 while Salzburg Festival and holidays.

Graphical markings are characteristics of Austria Airports, I had see no anyother airports equipped with such pilot-friendly tools. Markings also appears on holding point and ground vehicles access. It would be wonderful if America airports have this kind of marking, it also can reduce ground incident and taxiing error.
We will stay in Salzberg at least, I think His majesty of The Rex Britanniae-Hiberniae will have another euro trip.It's because I have been told that it's not the time back to Japan. . .
Maybe a long term staying will be conducted. . . . . .
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