Sunday, September 21, 2008

Trip to Salzberg Festival -2

The Rex Britanniae-Hiberniae continutes his trip to Salzberg, state of music is ahead.
There is 22 degree temperature differences, we've already ready prepared some winter coat for his and HER majesty.

This time, we can see the tower clearly. The state-of-art of architecture.

A close shot to Tower. Hope there is no one inside saw that we're taking this

Runway again

"Great Sandy desert" not only in Australia, this one here is more famous

Desert rain below

Dead "Sea" viewed from cabin window. As the water is getting lesser and lesser now, the lower part of the sea divided into two springs.

Slazberg, here is. . . . A cloudy day, 8 degree when we arrive
As the weather is cold and a little bit humid, there is ice condensed on the wing till on final
I had never tried inspect the wing from cabin window while the aircraft flying at 4000ft, 10 miles to runway.

Salzburg Airport Terminal, buses are waiting for passengers as their are no passenger bridges even the airport serves Boeing 773/744 while Salzburg Festival and holidays.

Graphical markings are characteristics of Austria Airports, I had see no anyother airports equipped with such pilot-friendly tools. Markings also appears on holding point and ground vehicles access. It would be wonderful if America airports have this kind of marking, it also can reduce ground incident and taxiing error.

We will stay in Salzberg at least, I think His majesty of The Rex Britanniae-Hiberniae will have another euro trip.It's because I have been told that it's not the time back to Japan. . .
Maybe a long term staying will be conducted. . . . . .

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trip to Salzberg Festival

Last month, Aug 2008. Just before the Olympic Games open, The Rex Britanniae-Hiberniae proposed that he would participate the festival.Therefore it's the time that SamwickAir royal flight takes-off!

Salzburg Festival is a prominent festival of
music, drama and opera.It is held each summer for five weeks starting in late July in Salzburg, Austria(which is the birth place of Mozart)

His Majesty stated that he would really like to watch this year's new production of Wolfgang A. Mozart's Don Giovanni, which features Dorothea Röschmann & Erwin Schrott, conducted by Bertrand de Billy, the principal conductor of ORF Symphony Orchestra Vienna.

After The Rex Britanniae-Hiberniae attend a ceremony in Hiroshoma, the flight immediately head to Dubai for our first stop of European trip.

Here is the apron specifically for business jets in Osaka Kansai intl. (RJBB/KIX)
As you can see doors are closed and I have to start my before taxi checklist.

According to our latest METAR, there will be light shower.And that really comes just after our aircraft moves.

20 mins. after departure, I switched off the seatbelt sign and hanging around inside the cabin.You can see outside is still very cloudy, and the weather inside always displaying yellow pictures to us. Wings below is Yonago Airport, a city nearby Nihon-Kai.

The sun is getting up at
Here is already 11 hours after departure, after a nice 6-hour sleeping
Our plan get to Iranian airspace (Be relax....Iran welcomes all foreign aircraft fly over it)

Very stable flight, with beautiful dawn

This is Persian Gulf. You can see the land at the window frame.
Left side is Iran, Right side is UAE.
Is that like Right Politics? Always better than left. lol

Visibility goes down and down after we entered UAE airspace, like Hong Kong's political situation
We've choose the right side but mist is covering our bright side.

300oft high to runway, still can't see any universal suffrage

This photo was taken by my student sitting on jump seat, I remembered that it's 50ft(about 20meters) to touchdown, we still can't see the whole runway.Therefore we decided to use ILS CATIII landing before, or blind landing the people called.n-order the reach the
That we can rely on instrument and avionics to fly our plane. I(Otherwise, we have to go-around, having a hold in mid air and standby for the visibility improve)
Is that really like councilors oppose to constitutional development report then we have to wait, or accept the birdcage way ? wwwwwwww

Mist and fog covers beautiful Dubai airport terminal 2, hoppfully this kind of fog not come from Beijing and the terminal is not Hong Kong

As the weather is getting worse, Dubai airport authority permitted a special arrangement to use that park the aircraft in terminal area and served with passengers bridges.

This photo was taken by me... :)
Passenger bridges docked with our aircraft, and cleaning vehicles located behind our plane.

Another my-hand-made picture, you can see a beautiful terminal and tower in the mist.
Also our tiny plane(compared with a British Boeing 747 nearby)

After few days of shooping, touring, sightseeing.......We will head to Salzburg
Country of Music, Ich bin kommenden !

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

民間電台如何干擾民航通訊 ?




一向都有指民間電台干擾警察頻道, 航空頻道等等影響市民的安全等, 其實都是香港政府再一次利用市民的無知!

大家都知道電台廣播分兩種波段, 就是AM(522-1652KHz) 和 FM (89.0-107.0)

廣播的頻率是FM 102.8Mhz, 剛好因為電台廣播頻譜限制和新城電台重疊,

那麼航空方面, 為了不受一般使用無線電的民眾干擾...航空通訊頻道 就是在國際民航組織定下的標準 : 118.000MHz - 136.955Mhz的(VHF)頻率 .. 而越洋航線就是使用的HF頻道.
同時, 航空上有 導航使用的頻道, 使用VHF的分別是VOR(甚高頻全向信標)和ILS(儀器降落系統) 的108.0-117.995MHz 及使用VLF的ADF(Automatic Direction Founder) 就在100-1699KHz

一般電台 和 航空頻道存在都超過50年, 為甚麼現在在香港才會有甚麼干擾? 而民航處長也曾表示不會受民間電台干擾(
而且, 民間電台的廣播頻道在102.8MHz...航空用的最小都在118MHz以後, 即使導航頻道接近民間電台接近FM收音機的頻道, 但是都不會 干擾航空任何頻道. 剛才提到如果民間電台民間電台廣播的頻率和新城電台重疊, 那麼民間電台要是干擾的話, 新城台豈不是一樣在干擾民航處頻道?

那麼你會問警察頻道怎樣辦? 香港的警察頻道早已經是數碼化操作, 人耳都聽不了信號究竟是代表甚麼意思, 至如救護車, 的士台等都是使用MF大約3xxKHz的頻道, 跟本就河水不氾井水呢

所以這個跟本又是特區政府一次的有預謀的誤導, 這次還故意說成干擾民航頻道, 希望大眾關注